Vision & Activities
GCRI Vision
Grantmakers Council of Rhode Island (GCRI) seeks to grow the breadth, effectiveness and impact of philanthropy in the Ocean State in order to build stronger, more equitable communities where all Rhode Islanders can thrive.
GCRI Activities
- is a statewide network of funding organizations, including private, public, family, corporate and community foundations, and corporate and federated giving programs.
- provides capacity building, professional development and collaboration opportunities for staff from member organizations committed to philanthropy and civic engagement.
- works to grow community investment in all its forms by increasing the visibility of philanthropic initiatives, providing a voice and gathering place for the philanthropic sector, and engaging organizations across the state in the multi-layered work of community investment.
- creates co-learning opportunities for funders, nonprofits and policymakers to learn about issues facing Rhode Island communities and the potential of collaboration and partnership to strengthen the state and its residents.
GCRI provides local support and programming, as well as national connections and resources through its membership in United Philanthropy Forum. The Forum is a philanthropic network comprised of regional associations of grantmakers and national philanthropic serving organizations with more than 7,000 participating organizations, making it the largest network in American philanthropy.
GCRI is not itself a funding organization and does not make or distribute any grant funding.