Philanthropy 101
October 20, 2023 - 12:00 am
Philanthropy 101
Five Friday Mornings Virtually
October 20-December 15, 10:00am-1:30pm
Co-sponsored by GCRI, Philanthropy Massachusetts and Maine Philanthropy Center
Philanthropy 101 is a five-module cohort series that helps staff new to philanthropy and the funder community gain a better understanding of the sector. The primary goals of this virtual, interactive course are to provide participants with:
- a baseline of knowledge pertinent to the field of philanthropy and their practice within it
- access to leaders within the field of philanthropy
- resources that can support their effectiveness in their role
Throughout this course participants will gain a historical overview of philanthropy, learn the issues surrounding a foundation’s leadership and governance structures, gain insight into grantmaking approaches and philosophies, and hear current issues within philanthropy, all while understanding their role, as a funder. Equity and inclusion are woven throughout the course.
Designed for: Anyone who has joined the philanthropic sector (including private, public, community, corporate and United Ways) within the last two-three years or is interested in a refresher; open to the entire range of roles within the field, e.g., Program Staff, Chief Financial Officer, Controller, Human Resources Director, Trustee, among others.
The series provides opportunities for:
- Skill-building and learning from leaders and experts in the field
- Meaningful connections through peer group discussions and Learning Pods (pre-determined small peer working groups to continue the conversation after each session. Presentations will go from 10am – 12pm, followed by a short break, and then working groups will meet from 12:30pm – 1:30pm)
- Enhanced knowledge of the field
- Unlimited access to session materials and recordings
- …and more!
Fee: $350 for GCRI members, $500 non-members