GCRI and its members make important contributions to the understanding of issues facing communities and nonprofits, as well as sharing strategies and learning from the field.

We have compiled a partial list of data and research made available by GCRI and its member organizations, and hope that it contributes to more collaborative and effective community work across the Ocean State.

Rhode Island Nonprofit Sector Data

In 2020, GCRI and Fio Partners worked together to understand the impact of COVID-19 on Rhode Island nonprofits.  In 2021, GCRI and United Way of Rhode Island did a follow up survey on the impact of COVID-19 on nonprofits in the state.  Both surveys provided essential data on the pandemic-related burdens shouldered by local nonprofits, as well as the expanded services being provided in response to community needs.

2020 Impact of COVID-19 on Rhode Island Nonprofits Report

2021 Impact of COVID-19 on Rhode Island Nonprofits Results

2022 Rhode Island Nonprofit Survey — Slides

Civic Life

The Rhode Island Civic Health Index, sponsored by Rhode Island Council for the Humanities, draws upon data-driven indicators and information about diverse connections to civic life to join 30 other states that have examined their own civic well-being.  This index provides a baseline to help communities, leaders, and policy makers understand what challenges and opportunities Rhode Islanders share.

The 2022 Rhode Island Civic Health Index examines five areas of civic health in Rhode Island in terms of where we are now (the current status of that area), where we can go from here (steps to strengthen that area), and how we can move forward, together (questions for every Rhode Islander to consider). The report draws upon a number of governmental and private data sources for this assessment.  To read the Index online, click here.  Click here for a copy of the Executive Summary. If you or your organization are interested in the raw data from the 2022 RI Civic Health Index Survey you can access a PDF of that data here.


Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island and the Brown University School of Public Health presented the fifth annual RI Life Index, which captures Rhode Islanders’ perceptions of social determinants of health and well-being.  View launch event    View Index


Arts Education

Rhode Island State Council on the Arts developed the Rhode Island Arts Education Data Dashboard in partnership with the Arts Education Data Project.  It offers an in-depth overview of the state of arts education in Rhode Island’s public and public charter schools dating back to the 2016-2017 school year. This comprehensive and interactive tool is designed so that users can easily navigate data which illustrates arts enrollment, access, and trends on a statewide, district, and school level, pre-kindergarten through high school.

Women’s Well-Being

The Rhode Island Women’s Well-Being Index, sponsored by the Women’s Fund of Rhode Island, provides a comprehensive, composite measure of how women are faring, broken down by city/town and county where such data is available. Watch Women’s Well Being Index Launch recording.  2023 policy briefs available include:

Women in Poverty
Women’s Health and Safety
Women’s Civic Engagement
Women’s Economic Security
Women’s Education