GCRI Member Survey Important for Planning — Please Participate!
As we enjoy the beginning of “leaf rainbows,” we are excited to embark on a new season of local and national collaboration and resource sharing as well.
GCRI’s national affiliate, the Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers, has long been a connection to the other 33 regional associations (and over 5,000 philanthropic organizational members) across the country.
This summer, the Forum approved changes to its charter to help create a new, broader philanthropy support network that includes not only regional associations, but also national philanthropy-serving organizations (PSO’s) that provide issue-focused support to grantmakers (ie, Grantmakers in Health, Funders Together to End Homelessness) as well as organizations that provide practice-based support (ie, Grantmakers for Effective Organizations, Association of Black Foundation Executives, Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy).
At the Forum’s Annual Conference in Indianapolis, I was able to connect with a number of the national PSO’s and there are exciting opportunities for GCRI members and Catalyst Groups to learn from and connect with leadership organizations and peers across the country through the Forum’s new network.
As we move forward in planning for 2017, we would like your input, about your involvement with national PSO’s, as well as your personal and organizational needs and resources. Please help us by completing this survey: http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/2742703/Volunteer-Survey
We would greatly appreciate it if you can fill out this survey before October 15. The information will help us direct our planning for the next year. We’d like to hear individually from all staff members who participate in GCRI offerings.