Rural Aging
Grantmakers in Aging, a sister organization in the Forum, has just released a new publication on supporting senior citizens in rural areas, “New Frontiers for Funding: An Introduction to Grantmaking.” The highest concentrations of older persons in the U.S. are in rural areas, and funders have not yet paid systematic attention to the needs and opportunities there. The report is appropriate for funders new to this strategic need, as well as those with more extensive experience in the field.
Retirement Research Foundation Releases Report on Accessible Faith Grant Program
Seniors, and others with mobility issues, may have difficulty fully engaging in their desired community organizations because of lack of accessibility. The Retirement Research Foundation has released a report for funders on its Accessible Faith Grant Program, so that others can learn from what they call a “low-cost, high-return” grantmaking program. This decade long program provided support for making houses of worship accessible and RRF includes tools for replicating the program in the report. Report