May 25, 2017 - 1:00 pm

Providence, RI

Financial and Social Returns:  Maximizing Impact through Mission-Related Investments

The Ford Foundation recently announced that they will be committing $1 billion of their endowment to “mission-related investments.”  This announcement drew national attention to the relatively recent surge in so-called impact investing, which has been attractive to nonprofits looking for more sustainable funding streams as well.  The intent of impact investing is to seek financial return through vehicles that also provide concrete social returns.

Rhode Island funders and investors have also begun entering the mission-related investment field, and GCRI is excited to host this session on impact investing to learn from local practitioners.  The Rhode Island Foundation recently embarked on a journey to invest a fixed portion of its endowment in Rhode Island impact investments, and Jessica David, Senior Vice President for Strategy and Community Investments, will be sharing insights from the Foundation’s research and learning process.  Kim Anderson, of EverHope Capital & Strategy, will share the perspective she’s gained as her family company and foundation have increasingly invested in impact investments.

Join us for this informative session, whether you are currently involved in impact investing, just curious, or want to learn more about the future opportunities impact investing might provide for the Rhode Island social sector.