The May 5 GCRI session on “Internal Marketing for Sustainable Community Impact” was focused on the challenges of articulating the story and impact of corporate community initiatives internally, to organizational employees and leadership. Here are a few resources to help you make that case:
Project ROI strives to “define and deliver financial and wider business value from corporate responsibility and sustainability…For too long a debate has raged – should companies invest in corporate responsibility (CR) and sustainability initiatives and if so, how much? Does CR detract or enhance the bottom line? Project ROI finds that CR has the potential to deliver an attractive business case. The question is not whether to engage in CR programs, but how. Project ROI establishes the potential returns on investment CR can deliver. But it’s not enough to do CR, one must do it well. Project ROI defines a clear roadmap of essential practices for companies that want to improve the impact and value of their CR and sustainability performance.” The report details the value of CR in three areas — Firm value, share price and risk; sales and reputation; and human resources. Some of the key findings:
Corporate responsibility
- Increases market value by up to 6%
- Over a 15 year period, increases shareholder value by $1.28 billion
- Reduces systematic risk by 4%
- Increases revenue by up to 20%
- Builds a reputation asset based on CR worth up to 11% of total firm value
- Reduces company’s staff turnover by up to 50%
- Increases employee productivity by up to 13%
- Increases employee engagement by up to 7.5%
The Association of Corporate Contributions Professionals is offering a CSR & Your Employees webinar on June 16, 1-2pm. “By engaging in philanthropic activities that can be showcased to your employees, your CSR team can have positive effects with employee retention, diversity and inclusion, along with increasing your employee engagement. Join Susan McPherson, Founder and CEO, McPherson Strategies, LLC, and ACCP in exploring how your work benefits your coworkers.”