NEA Releases Economic Data — Arts are 4.2% of Nation’s Economy
Grantmakers in the Arts Webinar on “Understanding Who Benefits from Our Funding Support”
May 23, 2pm: With increasing urgency, the field of arts philanthropy is investigating funding inequities and seeking remedies to longstanding practices and policies that have led to them. Using anecdotal and soft evidence to address funding inequities make strategies difficult to develop and outcomes difficult to measure; we understand that to make meaningful progress towards closing funding gaps requires gathering specific data that tell us who our grantees are and who they are serving. Join Beth Tuttle from DataArts; Bronwyn Mauldin from Los Angeles County Arts Commission, a public funder; and Elizabeth Love from Houston Endowment, a private funder, as they discuss their approaches to collecting demographic data on grantees and their audiences. Register
Grantmakers in the Arts Resource Blog on Responding to the Current Political Climate
Washington Post: Federal Budget Agreement for FY2017 Maintains Funding for NEA, NEH
New York Times: NYC Implements New Cultural Funding Formula to Increase Equity
National Association of State Arts Agencies Policy Brief on Government Support of the Arts