Livestream Available for Philanthropy New York’s “The Power of Participation” Annual Meeting
Philanthropy New York is making available a livestream of their Annual Meeting, a half-day conference on the state of our democracy today — focusing on voting rights, access to participation and how people get the information that motivates them to engage. The livestream will be available Friday, June 16, from 9:00am-12:30pm. More information
Civic Engagement Resources
Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement (PACE), a network of funders and foundations committed to civic engagement and democracy, has seen an increasing interest and urgency around civic engagement and advocacy. In response to questions like, What is civic engagement? How is it defined and what does it look? How might civic engagement relate to my work? How do I get started? Who might I learn from about how to do this work?, PACE developed a Civic Engagement Primer designed to help philanthropies grow in their civic engagement understanding, and learn about resources to engage in this work. Read the primer.
Democracy Grant Tracking Tool
The Foundation Center has a “Foundation Funding for US Democracy” tool, which is a data visualization platform for funders, nonprofits, journalists and anyone interested in understanding philanthropy’s role in U.S. democracy. Funders can use it to discover new philanthropic partners, understand who is funding what and where, analyze funder and nonprofit networks, compare foundation funding for issues you care about and support your knowledge about the field. Explore the tool
Census-Related Resources
Washington Post article on Resignation of Census Director
Making Philanthropy Count: Census 2020 webinar
Press Release on Underfunding of Census
Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers’ Census Site
Link to the Recording of the Census 101 Discussion from October 2016
Census Accuracy and the Undercount