One of the benefits of being a member of United Philanthropy Forum is access to content experts and funders from around the country.
Here are a few upcoming events sponsored by Forum members. See links for registration and fee information.
Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP)
Relationships Matter: Strong Funder-Grantee Relationships Webinar — November 16
What is a strong funder-grantee relationship — and what does it take to form one with your grantees? Join CEP for a data-driven discussion of why funder-grantee relationships are so important to foundation effectiveness — and what areas in which program staff should focus to build and maintain strong ones. In the webinar, CEP Vice President, Research, Ellie Buteau will share findings from not-yet-released CEP research, followed by an interactive discussion with a panel of highly rated program officers about their experiences building relationships with their grantees, facilitated by CEP President Phil Buchanan. Attendees will have ample opportunity to ask questions to the presenters and can expect to come away with a clear picture of what the data shows to constitute a strong funder-grantee relationship, as well as best practices to apply to their work at their own foundation. More information and registration
Exponent Philanthropy
Great Funder-Nonprofit Relationships Webinar — November 9
What makes a great funder-nonprofit relationship? Over the course of 2017, Exponent Philanthropy, in collaboration with the National Council of Nonprofits, explored that question along with funders and nonprofits from around the country. This webinar will share findings, lessons learned, and practical strategies. The session will cover funder and nonprofit feedback on building trust, leaning into discomfort, and navigating the power dynamics inherent in grantmaking, as well as ways to cultivate great relationships between funders and nonprofits. More info and registration
Impact Investing: From Concept to Reality Webinar — November 1
Through stories and examples, learn how Foundations have aligned their investment portfolios with their philanthropic missions. This webinar was created for foundations that are beginning to explore impact investing, or for Foundations looking for ways to advance their impact investing program. Topics will include fantasy versus reality: what can foundations expect out of an impact investing program in the first couple of years; helping trustees explore and define impact; how to implement impact investing into a portfolio; examples of customizing investment strategies to align with mission; costs associated with an impact investing program; and questions and discussion points to bring back to your trustees, or to your investment advisor. More info and registration
Fund the People
Fund the People is offering a series of webinar case studies on the value of investing in nonprofit staff development.
New York Community Trust Field Story Webinar — November 17
The webinar will provide a deeper understanding of The New York Community Trust’s values, philosophy, and talent-investing practices, with a focus on the impact talent-investing has on graduates of the Leadership Fellows Program, and their nonprofit organizations. More info and registration
Community Memorial Foundation Field Story Webinar — December 12
Explore how the Illinois-based Community Memorial Foundation holistically invests in strengthening nonprofit professionals and organizations, as well as the impact the foundation’s talent-investments have on the effectiveness of Aging Care Connections. More info and registration
Funders Committee for Civic Participation
Key 2020 Census Milestones: Preparing to Invest in a Fair and Accurate Count — November 16
Join us to learn more about important milestones before and during the 2020 Census, and ways your foundation can support “Get Out the Count” activities, including participation in state and local Complete Count Committees. Co-sponsors: United Philanthropy Forum, Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees, Funders Together to End Homelessness More info and registration
Health and Environmental Funders Network (HEFN)
Charting a Climate, Health and Equity Agenda: Investing in Those Most Impacted to Improve Health and the Environment — November 14
HEFN’s 2017 Annual Meeting, “Rewriting the Rules: Opportunities for Health and Environmental Justice in Disruptive Times” — November 15-16
View the agenda for the 2017 HEFN Annual Meeting and register.
Association of Baltimore Area Grantmakers
Philanthropy and Racial Equity: Race Matters/Responsive in Black Communities Training — November 30
This training, derived from the Race Matters Toolkit, presents a valuable framework that has guided and informed ABAG’s work since it was first offered to ABAG’s Board, Staff and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee in April 2013. This training is designed to increase grantmakers’ understanding of key concepts and definitions for racial equity and three specific tools used for applying a racial equity lens to grantmaking.
Non-ABAG member grantmakers are invited to attend this workshop for a fee of $100.00.