Immigration lawyers from Roger Williams Immigration Law Clinic, Rhode Island Center for Justice and Rhode Island Parent Information Network will present a workshop on July 12, from 2:00-4:00pm, centered on the rights of immigrants and people who may be undocumented or unsure about their citizenship status, the rights of practitioners workingw ith people who are undocumentd, and to address any other questions people may have about immigration. Presenters will cover the ways in which practitioners can, at best, protect their constituents, and at least, not endanger their constituents, and what healthcare and public benefits are available. Dorcas International Institute and Economic Progress Institute are also providing resources, along with the Learning Community.
Panelists are:
- Deborah Gonzalez, Immigration Attorney and Faculty at Roger Williams University School of Law
- Jennifer Wood, Executive Director of the RI Center for Justice
- Sam Salganik, Healthcare Rights Attorney at RIPIN
- Bruno Sukys, Former Director of Citizenship and Immigration Services at Dorcas International Institute
- Sarah Friedman, Co-Director of the Learning Community Charter School
Topics include:
- Understand the rights of your clients, constituents, patients, congregants.
- Learn about immigration resources in Rhode Island.
- Understand your rights as a provider serving foreign-born communities and how your organization can be prepared for any issues that may arise.
- Get information about changes in immigration policy and its implications for our communities
Please share this opportunity with your grantees, community partners and others in the state who might benefit. RSVP