GCRI Member Cox Communications and the James M. Cox Foundation’s $100,000 grants helped launch four new Cox Technology Centers at Boys & Girls Club in Cumberland, East Providence, Newport and Woonsocket. The centers are part of a $650,000 initiative to create 22 new Cox Technology Centers across the U.S.
The new clubs will provide high-speed internet bandwidth, along with the equipment and educational resources required for the Boys & Girls Club’s computer program, including tablets, cameras, laptops and creative suite software. The centers are intended to provide access to technology and training for children who may not receive either through their homes or school programs.
“The simple fact is this: club kids are learning in ways we never thought possible, and stand to benefit from advanced training and technology at an early age,” said Gene Bailey, director of organizational development for Boys & Girls Clubs of America in Providence Business News. “The investments made by the James M. Cox Foundation and Cox Communications will be felt for generations to come, as club members tackle new challenges both within our Technology Centers and beyond.”
Since 2002, Cox has contributed more than $250,000 for 11 Technology Centers at Boys & Girls Clubs throughout Rhode Island, and more than $1.5 million in cash and in-kind support for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Rhode Island and Connecticut. (Providence Business News, 8/2/17)