Job Postings

See below for posting policy


Job Search Resources

The Swearer Center at Brown University offers a RI Community Jobs Listserv, which lists nonprofit/social good jobs, internships and volunteer opportunities in Rhode Island.  Subscribe 

Association for Corporate Contributions Professionals Job Postings

Association of Fundraising Professionals RI Job Postings

Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship Job Postings

Bridgespan Job Listings

Candid Job Listings

Connecticut Nonprofit Alliance Job Postings

Institute of Nonprofit Practice Job Postings

Massachusetts Cultural Job Opportunities

Massachusetts Nonprofit Network Job Postings

Net Impact jobs newsletter

Nonprofit Learning Lab — compilation of local and national nonprofit job boards

Nonprofit Tech Job Postings

Philanthropy Massachusetts Job Postings

Guide to Volunteering and Interning Abroad

Degrees for Greater Good

Job Posting Policy

GCRI Members

As a membership benefit, GCRI members may share job postings through GCRI communications for free, including: 

  • GCRI website 
  • GCRI member communications 
  • GCRI nonprofit newsletters (GCRI Connect (approximately 900 subscribers) and BIPOC Executive Directors List (approximately 100 subscribers) 


Non-members may post job opportunities for positions in the philanthropic and nonprofit sectors to be included on the GCRI website and in GCRI’s nonprofit newsletters.  If the posting is for a job within the philanthropic sector, it will also be included in GCRI member communication.  

GCRI is only able to include a link, not a full description, and requests that a salary range be included in the job description.  (For more information about why a salary range helps to build a more equitable sector, we suggest that you read this original and follow up post by Vu Le.) 

The non-member cost of posting a job opportunity is $25.

Nonprofit organizations with fewer than 10 paid staff members may post openings for free.