Maximizing Educational Attainment Using Asset Building Strategies Webinar
Meet in the Middle to Magnify Success: Early Distribution Scholarships and CSAs
Interested in innovative approaches to children’s social and emotional development, academic success or asset building for low-income families? Join Benita Melton, from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, as she moderates a free webinar on October 21 from 2:00pm-3:00pm on strategies that have been shown to increase college enrollment and completion, as well as the development of essential social and emotional skills and academic success for low- to moderate-income students. These strategies utilize asset building tools such as early distribution of scholarships and child savings accounts (CSA’s)
Martha Kanter, Executive Director of the College Promise Campaign and former U.S. Under Secretary of Education, and Patty Grant, Executive Director, Community Foundation of Wabash County will join Ms. Melton on the panel. Register